[PDF] Ancient India RS Sharma | Ancient India RS Sharma

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Ancient India RS Sharma | Nana Ronger Itihas

Ancient India RS Sharma pdf | Indian History

Ancient india RS Sharma ncert | History e-Book

this quote is a call to study our past.

In the first chapter the author discusses India’s past from about 130,000 BCE (yes that long!) to about 1200 AD. He divides the period into four eras: Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age and Early Medieval. He writes mainly about major cultural and political developments but also includes notes on other interesting or significant events in each period. The chapter includes a short bibliography for further reading.

The second chapter continues the timeline from 1200 BC to 300 BC. The Mauryan empire and Ashoka are discussed as well as Greek and Chinese visits and their accounts of India. The rise of sectarian religions – Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism are also covered. There is a map showing the expansion of the Mauryan empire, as well as pictures including a statue of Ashoka with his edicts and a stupa at Sanchi. There is a note on Ajanta and its paintings, and another  on the Great Stupa at Sanchi, the Lion Stupa and Sanchi stupa in general. The chapter ends with the rise of Magadha and Bengal as regional powers and the start of the Mauryan empire with Chandragupta. There is a note on the Edicts of Ashoka, and a short bibliography is included.

The third chapter continues the timeline from 300 BC to 650 AD. This period is covered in greater detail as it covers the period of Gupta rule, one of India’s great civilizational golden periods. The chapter starts with an account of Chandragupta founding the Mauryan empire and his successors until Alexander’s invasion in 326 BC. There is a note on the Mudrarakshasa, a work attributed to Shakaspanda which may have been written during the period of the Magadha kings or Gupta dynasty. The invasion of Samudra-ja-dta is also covered along with  a note on the coins of the period, and a coin image. The main events of the Gupta period are then covered including its beginnings with Chandragupta, Candragupta I, Samudragupta, his son, and the Golden Temple at Varanasi. A note on the Bhutnaghar Stupa is also included. There is a note on the Hellenistic influences on art during this period as well as a short bibliography.

The fourth chapter continues the timeline from 650 AD to 1250 AD. This period covers some of India’s great dynasties such as the Chalukyas, Rashtrakutas and Palas. The chapter starts with a brief summary of Indian history until 650 AD and then continues with an account of the rise of Hindu kingdoms in North India and the invasion by Arabs, Persians and Turks starting in 643 AD and covering the reigns of Muhammad bin Qasim, Mahmud of Ghuri  azni, the Palas and the Rashtrakutas. There is a note on the stone inscriptions of the Chalukyas of Kalyani. A short bibliography is included at the end of the note on Rashtrakuta inscriptions.

The fifth chapter covers India’s history from 1250 AD to 1757 AD and covers two important dynasties, the Khaljis and the Mughals. The chapter starts with an account of Ulugh-begti’s invasion of India and continued Arab, Persian and Turkish incursions into India until the Khalji takeover in 1320 AD. This was followed by the successful Mongol invasion led by Buluk Chor in 1325 AD and then the rise of the Khalji dynasty, which included Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq, who founded Delhi, and Muhammad bin Tughlaq, who moved his capital again and founded Dinpanah. This was  followed by the reigns of Firoz Shah Tughlaq and Bhadra Singh. The chapter continues with the successful Mughal takeover led by (Lachhman Dev) Candra later known as Babur, and included the conquests of Kabul and Delhi. The chapter ends with the rise of the Sikh gurus from 1469 AD onwards. A note on the Qutb Minar is included at the end of this chapter.

The sixth and final chapter covers India’s history from 1757 AD to 1947 AD and starts with the Battle of Panipat in 1757 AD and the victory of Ahmad Shah Abdali over the Marathas. The chapter continues with the rise and fall of the East India Company followed by the fall of Victoria’s Empire following World War II at the hands of Japan, China and India at this time. There is also a note on Lord Dalhousie who oversaw most of this fall. The chapter continues with  the rebellion of 1857 AD and the rise of two major leaders, Chandra Shekhar Azad and Bhagat Singh. The chapter ends with the peaceful transfer of power to India following the success of Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent methods and the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. A note on the Red Fort is included at the end of this chapter.

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My Review

The cover image and contents page of The History of India makes it obvious that this book was originally published in 1963 and has now been reprinted and released by Penguin Books India Ltd in 2019. The author, Ram Sharan Sharma, was an Indian educationist, historian and a former director of IGNCA,

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