DHFWS Malda Recruitment 2023: Grab 78 Exciting Opportunities in Healthcare – Apply Now

The District Health Family Welfare Samity (DHFWS), Malda, invites applications for the recruitment of various contractual posts under the XV-Finance Commission Health Grant. Aspiring candidates can apply online through the official website of West Bengal Health. Download – DHFWS recruitment Notification 2023 DHFWS Recruitment 2023 – Key Details and Application Insights Organization: District Health Family


HISTORY OF NORTH BENGAL – GROUP-A HISTORY OF NORTH BENGAL – Notes Q. Briefly discuss the religious beliefs of the Rajbanshi people living in North Bengal. [marks-15] Ans. The Rajbanshi people, inhabiting North Bengal, adhere to a diverse range of religious beliefs, encompassing Hinduism, animism, and a blend of both. Hinduism holds a prominent position

IIT Bombay Recruitment 2023: Explore 37 Vacancies with Detailed Post Descriptions, Qualifications, and Application Process

IIT Bombay has announced its Recruitment 2023, opening up opportunities for 37 Junior Administrative Assistant positions. This article provides a detailed overview of the recruitment process, including essential qualifications, age limits, salary details, and steps to apply. IIT Bombay Recruitment 2023: Download Official Notification IIT Bombay Recruitment 2023 for Junior Administrative Assistant: The Indian Institute

DH&FWS Alipurduar Yoga Instructor Recruitment 2023 – Apply Now

DH&FWS Alipurduar Yoga Instructor Recruitment 2023: Opportunity Knocks for Yoga Enthusiasts The District Health and Family Welfare Samiti (DH&FWS) in Alipurduar has announced an exciting opportunity for yoga enthusiasts to join their team as Yoga Instructors. This is a great chance to share your passion for yoga and make a positive impact on the health

SBI Opens Doors for 5400+ Positions: Apply Now

SBI Recruitment 2023: Over 5400 Opportunities for Aspiring Bankers State Bank of India (SBI), India’s largest public sector bank, is seeking talented and qualified individuals to join its ranks as Circle Based Officers (CBOs). With a total of 5447 vacancies across the country, SBI Recruitment 2023 presents an exceptional opportunity for aspiring banking professionals to

दिल्ली थ्रू द एजेस: द मेकिंग ऑफ इट्स अर्ली मॉडर्न हिस्ट्री | Delhi Through the Ages: The Making of its Early Modern History in Hindi

‘दिल्ली थ्रू द एजेस: द मेकिंग ऑफ़ इट्स अर्ली मॉडर्न हिस्ट्री’ एक पाठ्यक्रम है. इसका मकसद, छात्रों को दिल्ली शहर में 18वीं शताब्दी तक हुए बदलावों के बारे में बताना है. साथ ही, यह भी बताना है कि कैसे यह दुनिया के सबसे बड़े शहरों में से एक बना.  इस पाठ्यक्रम में, इन बातों पर चर्चा की

IB ACIO Grade II Recruitment 2023 Open: Apply Online for 995 Posts

The Intelligence Bureau (IB), under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), is inviting applications from eligible candidates for 995 posts of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (Grade-II/ Executive). The application process is open from November 25, 2023, to December 15, 2023. Category Vacancies UR 377 EWS 129 OBC 222 SC 134 ST 133 Download IB ACIO

Archaeological Insights into Gendered Labor Practices in the Early Human Past

Beyond “Man the Hunter” and “Woman the Gatherer”: A New Understanding of Gender Roles in Prehistoric Societies Challenging Gendered Labor Narratives in Prehistoric Times: A Physiological and Archaeological Perspective The long-held notion that prehistoric men were the hunters and women the gatherers is deeply ingrained in our cultural consciousness. This “Man the Hunter” narrative, often

মহেঞ্জোদারোতে আবিষ্কৃত কয়েক হাজার বছর পুরনো মুদ্রা ইতিহাসের নতুন দিগন্ত উন্মোচন করবে?

মহেঞ্জোদারোতে আবিষ্কৃত কয়েক হাজার বছর পুরনো মুদ্রা ইতিহাসের ধারাকে নতুন মোড় দেবে? প্রাচীন মহেঞ্জোদারো সভ্যতার নতুন রহস্য সিন্ধু নদের তীরে অবস্থিত প্রাচীন মহেঞ্জোদারো সভ্যতাকে নিয়ে রহস্য আজও অব্যাহত। এই সভ্যতার ইতিহাস, সংস্কৃতি, এবং প্রযুক্তি সম্পর্কে আমরা এখনও অনেক কিছু জানতে পারিনি। সম্প্রতি, পাকিস্তানে মহেঞ্জোদারোতে পরিচালিত খননকার্যের ফলে আবিষ্কৃত হয়েছে হাজার দুয়েক বছর পুরনো তাম্রমুদ্রার (Copper

UGC Announces Update to UGC-NET Syllabi [2023]

UGC to Update UGC-NET Syllabus to Align with NEP 2020 and Reflect Latest Advancements in Higher Education The University Grants Commission (UGC) has announced plans to update the syllabi for the UGC-National Eligibility Test (UGC-NET) for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and for the eligibility test for appointment as assistant professors in various subjects. The UGC