CC-12 History Suggestion | Mid Eighteen Century to 1871 Europe | S. S Sir

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CC- 12 | Renaissance and Reformation in Europe Suggestion and Answer

History B.A. Honours 5th. Semester Suggestion and Answer

UG History Suggestion – Humara Waada Hai Taiyaari Hogi Perfect!

CBCS SYLLABUS OF CU(University of Calcutta), WBSU (WEST BENGAL STATE UNIVERSITY), KU (University of Kalyani), VU( Vidyasagar University), BU( The University of Burdwan), BKU (Bankura University), CBPBU (Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma Univirsity), NBU ( University of North Bengal), KNU ( Kazi Nazrul University), SKBU (Sidho – Kanho- Birsha University) etc. History Notes & History Suggestion

UG History Suggestion and Answer

Mid Eighteen Century to 1871 Europe

[UG History Suggestion]  GROUP-A
[Each question carries 15 marks]

Do you think that the fiscal causes lay at the root of the French Revolution?

Describe the reign of Terror in France. Was it a necessity?

Define Metternich System. Why did it ultimately fail?

Explain whether the unification of Germany under the leadership of Bismarck was
German unification or Prussian Expansion.

What were the causes of the Industrial Revolution in England?

Discuss the Vienna Settlement of 1815. Can it be termed as the triumph of reaction?

Give an estimate of the role of Mazzini and Cavour in the unification of Italy.
Do you notice any difference in their approach to the problem?

To what extent did the writings of the philosophers in the 18th century France influence
the French Revolution of 1789?

Write a short note on ‘Metternich System’. Why did it ultimately fail? 

10. Explain whether
the unification of Germany under the leadership of Bismarck was German
unification or Prussian expansion.

[UG History Suggestion]  GROUP-B
[Each question carries 10 marks]

Do you think that a more responsible monarchy could have prevented the French Revolution?

Explain the historical significance of the “Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen”.

Discuss the causes and effects of the Revolution of 1848 in France.

4. How did Cavour
turn the Italian problem from a domestic to an international one?

[UG History Suggestion]  GROUP-C
[Each question carries 05 marks]

Who were Sans-Culottes?

What was the Tennis Court Oath?

Who was Rousseau? What were his chief ideas?

4. What was the aim
of Vienna Congress?

[UG History Suggestion] CC4Group-D
[Each question carries 01 marks]

Who did belong to “First Estate” in the French Society?

Who was Voltaire?

What is Zollverein?

When was the treaty of Tilsit signed?

Who were Physiocrats?

Give the name of the place where Napoleon was exiled.

Who won the battle of Trafalgar?

Who were Girondists?

What do you mean by Spanish ulcer?

What is Kulturkampf ?

Who was called “the sick man of Europe”?

12. Mention the date
of fall of Bastille.

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